Credit: Stratolaunch Systems Corp.
A bizarre, double-bodied airplane with the largest wingspan of any aircraft in the world just rolled out of its hangar for the first time.
The Stratolaunch aircraft is designed to carry satellites into low-Earth orbit. The aircraft will carry satellites and their launch vehicles to a cruising altitude of 36,000 feet (11,000 meters) or so, according to Paul G. Allen, the founder of Stratolaunch. From there, the aircraft becomes something like a mobile launch pad, releasing the satellites and their launchers into orbit before returning to the runway. The advantage, according to Allen, is that getting satellites into orbit would become easier and faster. No longer would scientists or governments have to wait for a rocket launch from the ground; the Stratolaunch plane could take off from many runways and fly for hundreds of miles to find good weather conditions.
Stratolaunch飞机(中文代号“大鹏”)是被设计来将卫星带入近地轨道。“大鹏”的创始人Paul G. Allen表示SGT信托-华创39号·西新咸区KG集团,这种航天器会将卫星以及它们的运载火箭运至36000英尺(11000米)的巡航高度。可以说这种航天器变成了一种移动发射台,在返回跑道前将卫星及其运载火箭送入轨道。这种方式的优势在于将卫星送入轨道会变得更快更简单。科学家和政府不再需要等待火箭从地面发射。“大鹏”可以从大量的跑道起飞并飞行数百英里来寻找好的气象条件。
The strange dual fuselages of the craft each have a role. The right fuselage is for the flight crew, according to the company, and the left fuselage houses flight data systems. The payload will be carried underneath the conjoined center wing. Six 747 engines will lift the craft off the ground, and 28 wheels will allow for runway-style takeoffs and landings.
Now, construction of this mobile satellite launcher has advanced enough to move the Stratolaunch craft out of the hangar for its first round of testing. Today (May 31) marks the first time the plane has left the hangar, and also the first time the aircraft has held its own weight, according to a company statement — Until now, the aircraft has been partially supported by scaffolding and other infrastructure used for constructing the giant plane.
Credit: Stratolaunch Systems Corp.
The craft's wingspan measures 386 feet (118 m) across, 26 feet (8 m) longer than a professional football field. That makes the Stratolaunch plane the largest in the world by wingspan. From nose to tail, the plane is 238 feet (76 m) long. It's taller than a four-story building from the ground to the tallest point of its tail, which towers 50 feet (15 m) high. The Airlander 10, a helium-filled airship, is considered the world's longest aircraft currently flying, extending 302 feet (92 m) long.
The craft weighs in at 500,000 pounds (nearly 227,000 kilograms) and is designed to carry payloads of another 550,000 lbs. (nearly 250,000 kg). The first planned launch will be a single Orbital ATK Pegasus XL vehicle, a pre-existing rocket that can launch from carrier aircrafts. The company hopes to demonstrate such a launch in early 2019.
For now, the Stratolaunch team is conducting fueling tests, after which the craft will go through engine runs, ground testing and taxi testing before the first flight test.
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